Monday, April 6, 2009


Withhout my friends and family I would be lost.
When I was 4 I ate spinach almost every day straight from the can so I could grow up to be Popeye .
I have learned that changing yourself is harder and more nessacary then changing someone else.
I miss the ocean almost everyday.
I will fold laundry, not a problem but hate to put it away...and I rarely make my bed!
I love music and have a strong connection, without it...well what would there be?
I am not afraid of falling in love and do so as often as my heart will let me.
I love the spotlight.. but hate being put on the spot.
I was raised by goats on a mountainside from 5 - 8 ( I got lost looking for Popeye )
I am petrified of spiders and will use all sorts of wives tales or witchery to avoid them!!
My karma has never failed me good or bad.
I wish my kids were toddlers again, I am afraid of the " Empty nest " ( funny how that works! )
I could see myself travelling the rest of my days, to me that would be living.
A big house, 5 cars etc does not appeal to me.
I notice the strangest things and have a fairly warped sense of humor, and a dirty mind, I try to stay outta the gutter!
I am definately solar powered, I need the sun but love the night!
My daughter and I are very close and I look forward to being her friend one day!
I still act like a kid and think I am a rockstar now and then ;)
I hate clocks and time alltogether sucks! ( I am afraid of birthdays )

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